
Friday, December 30, 2011

#8: Animal Shelter Donation

Adventure #8 in my goal to experience/try 42 new things was making a donation to our local animal shelter.  I, along with other members of my family, put the plea out for others to join with us.  We made everyone aware of specific needs, and they could either bring the items to us or give us a monetary donation with which we would purchase items.  

I was so incredibly excited about this.  I had grand visions in my head of being able to bless the shelter with a LOT of items.  Sadly, not one single person responded to our pleas.  Seriously.  I was very disappointed, but that's how it goes.  Nevertheless, my family and I had a great time picking and purchasing the above pictured items.  My kids and I dropped off the donation and stayed for a while passing out the ping pong balls to all the cats, visiting with all the dogs, taking one of the cats into the socialization room for some play time, and keeping watch on a kitten for someone making an adoption.  The afternoon made such an impression on me and my tween that we both declared we'd love to seriously look into being able to do volunteer work there in the near future.

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