
Friday, December 30, 2011

#10: Made Ornaments Using Seashells

Adventure #10 in my goal to experience/try 42 new things was making ornaments out of seashells.  This is something I've wanted to do for years, but just never got around to trying.  

With the Atlantic Ocean as my backyard, obtaining seashells was not difficult at all.  I didn't look for any specific color or shape, just seashells that already had a borehole to make easier the process of threading a narrow ribbon through for hanging.  After thoroughly washing and drying each, I brushed on craft glue and sprinkled each heavily with an opaque superfine glitter that allowed the shell's natural coloring to filter through.  I was very pleased with this result as I really don't think I would have enjoyed them all looking identical. 

Most surprising was my children's reaction to these ornaments.  They LOVED them!  Both requested I make many more for next year's Christmas tree.  It was an easy craft that delivered a wonderful sparkle and glimmer to our tree.

#9: Made Something I Pinned

Adventure #9 in my goal to experience/try 42 new things was actually making something I pinned on Pinterest.  It's fun to pin away, but taking the time to follow through with the inspiration is another story.  

I thought these vegan chocolate peanut butter cups would be a perfect treat for Christmas Eve.  I added 1/2 tsp. organic extra virgin coconut oil to the chocolate to reach a more desirable (for me) consistency.  The "nooch" added to the peanut butter truly did make this taste like the filling from the brand-name non-organic version of this treat.  That alone was seriously so good I could have just eaten a whole bowlful of it without even bringing chocolate into the picture!

Mine didn't turn out as pretty as the original poster's, but I know I didn't let them set up as long as I should have (I gave in to the pleas of my youngest child who was overwhelmingly excited about me surprising everyone with this goodie).  I also used a spoon for transferring the ingredients into the muffin liners.  Next time - and yes, I will be making these again and again - I will try reusing a mustard bottle or similar bottle for squirting the chocolate into the muffin liners.  I envision they will turn out a lot more beautiful that way.

These are so incredibly fantastic!

#8: Animal Shelter Donation

Adventure #8 in my goal to experience/try 42 new things was making a donation to our local animal shelter.  I, along with other members of my family, put the plea out for others to join with us.  We made everyone aware of specific needs, and they could either bring the items to us or give us a monetary donation with which we would purchase items.  

I was so incredibly excited about this.  I had grand visions in my head of being able to bless the shelter with a LOT of items.  Sadly, not one single person responded to our pleas.  Seriously.  I was very disappointed, but that's how it goes.  Nevertheless, my family and I had a great time picking and purchasing the above pictured items.  My kids and I dropped off the donation and stayed for a while passing out the ping pong balls to all the cats, visiting with all the dogs, taking one of the cats into the socialization room for some play time, and keeping watch on a kitten for someone making an adoption.  The afternoon made such an impression on me and my tween that we both declared we'd love to seriously look into being able to do volunteer work there in the near future.

Monday, December 26, 2011

#7: Homemade Toner

Adventure #7 in my goal to try/experience 42 new things was making my own toner.  I've tried plenty of other homemade beauty recipes, but have always shied away from trying a toner.  I don't really know why.

On my regular blog I've been very open and honest about my nightmare struggle with perimenopausal hormonal acne.  I would not wish it upon anyone.  No purchased product I've ever tried has cleared it up completely.  I had promising success with a couple of products, but the acne always flared up again with a vengeance.  Also as the result of stress and hormonal wackiness, I had a quite sizable facial cyst form near my cheek.

For over a month now I have been using a homemade toner and am pleased to report it has delivered fantastic results.  Seriously, really fantastic ... as in I am giddy with delight.  I simply combined 1/4 cup organic apple cider vinegar (I specifically used Bragg's) with 3/4 cup purified water.  I've been using this "toner" once a day with the following results ... the acne on one side of my face is completely cleared up, the acne on my chin and other side of my face has diminished greatly, and the facial cyst (which was quite puffed up) is nearly entirely gone.  As an unexpected bonus, my skin is so soft and smooth I have not had to exfoliate at all.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

#6 - Hair Curling With A Sock Bun

Adventure #6 in my goal to try/experience 42 new things was attempting to curl my hair using the sock bun method.  I have naturally curly/wavy hair that has a mind of it's own (and that's an understatement).  I saw this method and hoped it would work for taming my locks into a glamorous bounty of beautiful, flowing curls.  

I tried this several times, but am sad to say it just doesn't deliver.  It did turn out lovely, but the style didn't last more than 15 minutes.  Seriously.   Maybe it's just my hair.  On the plus side, this makes a gorgeous bun, so that's one great discovery to come out of this experience.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

#5 - An Alpaca Farm

Adventure #5 in my goal to try/experience 42 new things was visiting an alpaca farm.  I've had the pleasure of getting to know the alpacas at a nearby zoo over the past several years because my kids and I are absolutely crazy about them.  As a result the petting yard is always our first stop once inside, and we have been blessed to befriend one of the zookeepers who cares for these gorgeous animals.

However, I have never been to an actual alpaca farm.  Visiting a particular one has been on my wish list for quite some time, so I was thrilled to recently have the opportunity to make that wish a reality.

While there I got to see several cria who were not very old, including the adorable 4 day old little lass pictured above.  I witnessed an alpaca spitting (I've never seen that happen at the zoo) and learned how to stop it.  The herd of 40+ alpacas at this farm was breathtakingly beautiful.  

#4 - Vegan Apple Crisp

Adventure #4 in my goal to try/experience 42 new things was making a vegan apple crisp.  Since making the switch to all vegan baking in April 2010, I had not made a crisp.  I was unsure how to get around the issue of not using butter, plus I wondered just how good it would taste.

I recently had the opportunity to do a review for a new vegan cookbook called Vegan Pie In The Sky.  I was drawn to the apple crisp recipe as it wasn't full of complicated or costly ingredients, plus it sounded really good.  My local natural foods market received a shipment of really lovely organic Granny Smith apples, so I seized the chance to give a vegan crisp a try.  It was divine.  Truly divine.