
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

#13 - Memory Jar

Adventure #13 in my goal to experience/try 42 new things was making a Memory Jar for my family for this year.  I hope we have a ton of great memories to reflect on this year, so I used a large quart mason jar for this project.  A simple tag of cardstock on the front along with a circle of cardstock on the top is how I chose to decorate mine.

Anyone in the family can write down a memory with corresponding date on a slip of paper, fold it in half, then add it to the jar.  On New Year's Eve this year, we'll sit down together and take turns reading all the memories inside.  To make it easy for all of us to add a memory, I transformed a lidded plastic food container into a paper storage tub.  Again, I used cardstock I already had on hand to decorate the container.  The paper slips are all cut in a uniform size and shape (using a Coluzzle rectangular template) out of scrap cardstock.  I have over 200 slips ready and waiting for memories to be added.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

#12 - Christmas Jar

Adventure # 12 in my goal to experience/try 42 new things was making a Christmas Jar.  I've never read the book behind this inspiration, Christmas Jars  by Jason F. Wright, but the concept is simple ..... toss in your spare change during the year and anonymously give it to a needy recipient 2-3 weeks before Christmas.  It could be someone who has lost their job, a single mom struggling to make ends meet, a family overwhelmed by medical bills ..... I truly believe everyone who makes a Christmas Jar will know in his/her heart the exact person or family who will be blessed the most when the time comes.

For my jar I used a quart-size mason jar, attached a simple, decorative tag, and finished the top off with a seasonal sticker on a circle of cardstock.  For me personally, it didn't have to be anything fancy.  The overall purpose is far more important.  Visit Christmas Jars: The True Stories for additional inspiration.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

#11: In The Driver's Seat

Adventure #11 in my goal to experience/try 42 new things was finding myself in the driver's seat when my family took our traditional drive just before Christmas looking at all the beautiful lights others had displayed at their homes.  I have never driven.  I've always been a passenger on this adventure and 2011's trek was not unlike those of recent years ... everyone griped, fussed, and complained that my spouse would not go slowly enough for us all to really enjoy the occasion.  I offered to drive (I do not enjoy driving) - this was met with loud cheers from our children.  I suppose they assumed I would do a good job because I had joined them in the complaining. (LOL)

I grumbled my way into the driver's seat thinking *I* wouldn't be able to enjoy the evening having to concentrate on the road and other vehicles, but it actually wasn't so bad.  I viewed way more than I anticipated (and saw far more than I would have with my spouse driving) plus our children told me they had a great time and appreciated that I was willing to go slowly enough for them to savor in the magic of the evening.  Who knows ... I may end up in the driver's seat every year!